Metrilo Updates and Use Tips

Metrilo Updates and Use Tips will keep you updated on all new features we release within our customer analytics platform and how to make the best use of them for growing your ecommerce business.

Ecommerce benchmarks for beauty brands

Beauty is one of the sectors where direct-to-consumer brands are taking a lead. The traditional market for cosmetics seems to be lacking in variety and accessibility while customers want more and better solutions for their beauty needs. A cosmetic product manufacturer plays a crucial role in this shift, ensuring that innovative and diverse products reach consumers directly. Direct-to-consumer democratizes the access to specialized products, high-end makeup and natural products, to name a few consumer trends to watch. This is why we have every reason to believe more and more DTC beauty brands will be successful.

To help smaller brands get there, we gathered data from the beauty brands we work with on a daily basis to make key ecommerce metrics benchmarks available.

The most important ecommerce benchmarks for beauty brands the report covers:

  • conversion rate,
  • customer retention rate,
  • customer lifetime value (CLV),
  • orders per customer,
  • time between orders,
  • cart abandonment rate.

Huge News from Metrilo & Sendinblue (now Brevo)

We’re beyond thrilled to announce that Metrilo is now part of Sendinblue (now Brevo)!

We started our conversations with the folks at Sendinblue (now Brevo) back in the beginning of this year. A little bit over 6 months later, we’ve decided to join forces together.

Ecommerce product insights and how to use them

Product insights are part of routine ecommerce analytics and reporting. Product performance and a product sales report are invaluable for product and inventory management. Since products are the focus of DTC brands, any action or optimization should be data-backed.

Let’s see the various product insights you can get from your analytics and how to use them.

Metrilo update: The smart Assistant that helps you grow

Data without analysis is just numbers. Analysis without action is theory.

But ecommerce growth does not come from theory.

True to our mission to help ecommerce brands grow, we developed Metrilo beyond data analytics and reporting. It now proactively searches in your Metrilo data to find opportunities for improvement and alerts you when you should take action.

The Metrilo Assistant is here to make sure you don’t miss chances to drive sales.

The Assistant uses a system of algorithms to find trends and correlations worth acting on. It notifies you when it catches deviations from the standard performance and suggests what you can do.

In short, the Assistant:

  • uncovers valuable insights about your sales and marketing performance
  • gives ideas how to act on these insights
  • saves you time looking at reports.

How to use coupons more effectively

Coupons are one of the most popular marketing tools used by ecommerce businesses. They drive conversions and customer retention. And they are easy to use.

But are you making the most of coupons? Are you using them in the best possible way?

The problem with coupons is this: giving them out without measure doesn’t help. Coupons are often synonymous with discounts. SALE30OFF, CLEAR50, NEW10 – they are all too familiar. And discounts alone can do more harm than good – reducing your profit margin only to drive sales short-term. You need to measure the impact and give away coupons sparingly.

To use coupons effectively, you should:

  • Measure the results – what coupons bring traffic, revenue, customer loyalty, VIPs, new customers
  • Track what type of coupons work best – percentage vs money value off, wording, campaign
  • Reuse the coupons and ideas that work well
  • Scrap the ones that don’t

How to engage VIP customers to keep them for longer

VIP customers are invaluable for ecommerce brands, bringing about 60% of revenue on average. They are loyal, shopping repeatedly from you, which means lower costs and higher profits. VIP customers are also involved with the brand, checking in often and spreading the word about you.

Every brand would be aiming at getting an army of VIP customers who share its values, who shop without being tortured into it and who vouch for it. The VIPs are your biggest fans. They deserve to be treated specially because you can rely on them for recurring orders. Special attention will make them even more loyal and engaged, driving even more revenue, community spirit and referrals your way.

This article is about finding your best customers and getting to know them better so you can engage with them and keep them for longer. You’d be reaping all the benefits of a positive customer relationship.

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