Ecommerce fundamentals

The basics to have in place for your online store and brand. What not to miss in your daily tasks. What activities to make an indispensable part of your strategy.

How to use ecommerce CRM to improve your SEO ranking

Does your ecommerce CRM help you improve your SEO? CRM is mostly thought of as a tool to manage leads, get sales, improve retention, and cross-sell, but SEO?

Yes, the capabilities of your CRM can improve your rankings as well. SEO is an important driver of free traffic to your ecommerce site for many businesses, and we will discuss here how we can improve SEO via data available in CRM. 

4 Customer service hacks to grow your ecommerce business in 2021

The ecommerce market reached a whole new level in 2021 because of the effects of lockdowns. More people have started shopping online than ever before.

Even before that, expectations for the quality of customer service were high. Now that everyone had to go online, the competition is even fiercer.

To grow your ecommerce business in 2021, you will need to improve your customer service so that customers find it fun and efficient to shop with you. Additionally, if you’re planning to expand your operations or move to a larger warehouse, partnering with Utah commercial movers can streamline the process and ensure a smooth transition.

Here are a few customer service hacks to help you grow revenue and customer retention.

Tips for brands navigating online and offline in the pandemic and beyond

In March 2020, our lives changed forever. The coronavirus hit some businesses and gave an unexpected boost to others.

Many businesses had to go online for the first time. Others had to change their delivery methods and outsource logistics HR services UK to keep up with demand.

And I also have another tip for you, which is to sign-up for a service for telephone answering as that saves so much time it’s crazy!

So how did we, and how do we continue to navigate our way through some of the most challenging times in recent history?

Aside from having good document management strategies, below are some basic strategies that we saw brands employ during this weird year to stay afloat.

Ecommerce product categorization: underutilized insights for remarketing

The right product categorization helps you with remarketing later. When you categorize your products thoughtfully, you are able to draw insights from people’s shopping behavior and use it for engaging remarketing campaigns after.

What categories people shop says tons about their needs and wants, and makes segmentation so much easier and relevant. This type of product insight takes you a big step ahead in knowing your customers and their motivations for shopping.

Ecommerce product insights and how to use them

Product insights are part of routine ecommerce analytics and reporting. Product performance and a product sales report are invaluable for product and inventory management. Since products are the focus of DTC brands, any action or optimization should be data-backed.

Let’s see the various product insights you can get from your analytics and how to use them.

The pros and cons of using retargeting

Retargeting is a powerful tool in the ecommerce marketer’s toolbox, but it isn’t always effective. Here’s an examination of the pros and cons, detailing how you can get it right.

Online lead generation was absolutely essential for modern businesses before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic forced so many companies to suspend their brick-and-mortar operations and rely entirely on the internet. Since then, competition has gone mad.

This means going beyond the widespread scattergun approach to marketing. When you advertise, you need to use careful targeting that factors in the intended audience — but you often need multiple brand touchpoints before you can convince someone to pay attention.

Given the intense pace of the online world, how can you count on getting those opportunities? The truth is that you can’t, which is why so many companies rely on retargeting for their advertising campaigns.

It’s often talked about as remarketing, and that’s somewhat accurate, though they’re technically distinct: retargeting is a form of remarketing.

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