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5 ways to be competitive in ecommerce in 2021

In the past 12 months, we have seen a meteoric growth of online shopping.

This Covid19-driven 12 months of nesting forcibly changed consumer habits. The unparalleled demand generated was (and still is) a golden opportunity for ecommerce.

At the same time, a massive amount of new shops opened and are still opening online every day. Some are offline businesses pushed online as a way to survive. Others saw the situation as an opportunity.

Ecommerce product insights and how to use them

Product insights are part of routine ecommerce analytics and reporting. Product performance and a product sales report are invaluable for product and inventory management. Since products are the focus of DTC brands, any action or optimization should be data-backed.

Let’s see the various product insights you can get from your analytics and how to use them.

Metrilo update: The smart Assistant that helps you grow

Data without analysis is just numbers. Analysis without action is theory.

But ecommerce growth does not come from theory.

True to our mission to help ecommerce brands grow, we developed Metrilo beyond data analytics and reporting. It now proactively searches in your Metrilo data to find opportunities for improvement and alerts you when you should take action.

The Metrilo Assistant is here to make sure you don’t miss chances to drive sales.

The Assistant uses a system of algorithms to find trends and correlations worth acting on. It notifies you when it catches deviations from the standard performance and suggests what you can do.

In short, the Assistant:

  • uncovers valuable insights about your sales and marketing performance
  • gives ideas how to act on these insights
  • saves you time looking at reports.

The pros and cons of using retargeting

Retargeting is a powerful tool in the ecommerce marketer’s toolbox, but it isn’t always effective. Here’s an examination of the pros and cons, detailing how you can get it right.

Online lead generation was absolutely essential for modern businesses before the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic forced so many companies to suspend their brick-and-mortar operations and rely entirely on the internet. Since then, competition has gone mad.

This means going beyond the widespread scattergun approach to marketing. When you advertise, you need to use careful targeting that factors in the intended audience — but you often need multiple brand touchpoints before you can convince someone to pay attention.

Given the intense pace of the online world, how can you count on getting those opportunities? The truth is that you can’t, which is why so many companies rely on retargeting for their advertising campaigns.

It’s often talked about as remarketing, and that’s somewhat accurate, though they’re technically distinct: retargeting is a form of remarketing.

12 Post-purchase emails for loyalty and repeat orders

Post-purchase emails are an essential part of customer retention marketing. They are follow up email campaigns after the first order and the aim is to engage existing customers more, make them loyal and drive repeat sales.

Most of the best customer retention strategies rely on such emails.

This is a very different approach than simply sending mass emails with every new promotion you come up with.

Post-purchase emails need to be tailored and to give value to the customer in order to build a mutually beneficial relationship.

If they’re just promotional and pushy, people will stop opening them and you will lose them as repeat customers.

Examples of post purchase email campaigns

How can ecommerce brands use a knowledge base to drive sales

As the owner or marketer of an ecommerce brand, you know why the products you offer are the best options for your target audience.

You know their features and benefits. And you know exactly how to use your products to get the absolute most value out of them.

The problem?

Your potential customers don’t know any of this. Even those who have purchased and used your products may not know all this.

If your prospective customers are unsure of how to use your product or whether your product will help them achieve their goals, they’ll be hard to convert.

If your current customers aren’t able to use your product to achieve their intended goals, they aren’t going to stick with your brand for too long.

It’s up to your team to provide the information the (prospective) buyer needs to get the most use out of your products so they’re satisfied and buying again.

This is where a comprehensive ecommerce knowledge base comes in, especially when dealing with aspects like managing transactions across borders and handling the intricacies of an international bank account.

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