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Writing product pages: essential do’s and don’ts for ecommerce brands

How would you rate your own product pages? Would you say that they were thoughtfully planned and the product descriptions – written to perfection? Or would you say they’re vague and only designed to make the visitor click as fast as possible?

The fact is that many online stores focus more on the website and overlook product pages. They rely on the home page, about page, brand story and other pretty parts of the site to convert the visitor so once they get to the product page they just add to cart.

Well-written product descriptions provide immense value for ecommerce businesses and they should never be ignored. According to Salsify, 94% of consumers will either abandon a site or give up if they can’t find the information they need to make a smart purchase decision.

Тhis article gives examples of good product page practices to help you write your own.

Cash flow for ecommerce businesses

According to a recent study, 29% of ecommerce businesses fail due to running out of cash, highlighting a critical oversight in cash flow management rather than shortcomings in product quality or sales performance. Proper cash flow management is essential for sustaining operations and supporting growth, particularly in the fast-paced and dynamic world of ecommerce where financial metrics can fluctuate drastically on a daily basis.

Utilizing a reliable banking platform to control finances effectively can play a pivotal role in this scenario. Such platforms help businesses monitor and manage their cash flows more efficiently, ensuring that they have the necessary funds available to continue operations without disruption. This is especially crucial in light of challenges such as those posed by the coronavirus pandemic, which has significantly impacted the economic landscape.

Furthermore, wealth management consultation can assist ecommerce business owners in crafting a robust wealth management plan. This strategic planning is vital for securing a prosperous future, enabling businesses to adapt and thrive regardless of the challenges encountered.

Ecommerce operations must be underpinned by disciplined cash flow management to prevent shortages that could halt business activities. Notably, data suggests that direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands that maintain discipline can achieve stability; approximately 60% of their sales come from repeat customers, providing a regular and predictable cash inflow each month. This reinforces the importance of a structured approach to financial management, underscoring how critical it is for ecommerce businesses to maintain a firm handle on their financial operations.

Five ways to effectively brand your packaging

The post-purchase experience can often be an afterthought in ecommerce, and yet it’s one of the most valuable opportunities you have to tell your brand’s story.

This is because there are not as many touchpoints where you can interact with customers when compared to brick-and-mortar stores, so it’s important to make the most of what’s available.

An easy win? Customizing your packaging. How your product is presented plays a huge part in brand perception. A study found 40% of online shoppers say branded packaging makes them more likely to recommend a product to friends, while 61% say custom packaging makes the brand seem more high-end. Cast techologies foundry can help you make a cool, unique packaging. And if you need logistics services, you may consider getting help from a professional shipping service.

Tips on crafting cool onboarding emails

Ecommerce has grown so much and there are all kinds of new models, new products and new ways of shopping. Sometimes our clients need help navigating all innovation. How does a curated monthly subscription works? Can you order items outside of it? How do you sign up for a meal plan to go with the hi-tech lunch box? And many more questions people might have for your products and services need answers from the beginning.

Onboarding emails can fill in those gaps so people understand how to buy from you. This will make the customer journey easy and pleasant, bringing you conversions and increased customer retention.

Sales tactics beauty brands can steal from food brands

Sales tactics for beauty brands should inspire repeat orders. Our recent report on ecommerce metrics for beauty brands found that they enjoy around 23% retention rate on average. That’s not awfully lot. We decided to look into another ecommerce product category with an average repeat purchase rate of 31% for successful tactics to steal.

Why can beauty brands learn from food ones?

Because food is a staple and it’s the most shopped category of products. Plus, people are very attached to some brands out of habit or childhood nostalgia.

Order frequency rate: how to make people buy more often

Order frequency rate is an important ecommerce metric that says a lot about your brand. The drive of people to shop again and again measures how loyal they’re to the brand, how essential your product is for their lives, how often they can afford it and if you’re a first choice or a substitute.

Huge brands like H&M and Zara churn out new models a few times a month exactly to drive frequent orders. Their strategy is to make people visit their (offline and online) stores often to see what’s new. No need for complex marketing campaigns, just the excitement of finding something interesting every time makes people buy more often. You don’t need to sell fast fashion, to do the same.

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