Ecommerce fundamentals

The basics to have in place for your online store and brand. What not to miss in your daily tasks. What activities to make an indispensable part of your strategy.

Five ways to effectively brand your packaging

The post-purchase experience can often be an afterthought in ecommerce, and yet it’s one of the most valuable opportunities you have to tell your brand’s story.

This is because there are not as many touchpoints where you can interact with customers when compared to brick-and-mortar stores, so it’s important to make the most of what’s available.

An easy win? Customizing your packaging. How your product is presented plays a huge part in brand perception. A study found 40% of online shoppers say branded packaging makes them more likely to recommend a product to friends, while 61% say custom packaging makes the brand seem more high-end. Cast techologies foundry can help you make a cool, unique packaging. And if you need logistics services, you may consider getting help from a professional shipping service.

How to use coupons more effectively

Coupons are one of the most popular marketing tools used by ecommerce businesses. They drive conversions and customer retention. And they are easy to use.

But are you making the most of coupons? Are you using them in the best possible way?

The problem with coupons is this: giving them out without measure doesn’t help. Coupons are often synonymous with discounts. SALE30OFF, CLEAR50, NEW10 – they are all too familiar. And discounts alone can do more harm than good – reducing your profit margin only to drive sales short-term. You need to measure the impact and give away coupons sparingly.

To use coupons effectively, you should:

  • Measure the results – what coupons bring traffic, revenue, customer loyalty, VIPs, new customers
  • Track what type of coupons work best – percentage vs money value off, wording, campaign
  • Reuse the coupons and ideas that work well
  • Scrap the ones that don’t

7 Ways to promote a new product in ecommerce

Do you wonder what creative campaign to run every time you launch a new product? Do you find your regular marketing efforts not enough for promoting a new product? We know you want to make a splash. You want to create buzz around your newest release. Here are our ideas how to promote your new product to attract old and new customers.

Psychology of color: What different colors mean in marketing

To use color for your marketing goals, you need to understand how color works. Colors mean various things so choosing the right one for your visual, email, etc. that says what you mean can be tricky.

Psychology of color or color symbolism is how colors play on our subconsciousness to trigger certain associations. It is especially important in ecommerce, which heavily depends on visual branding. 85% of people’s buying decisions are influenced by color. This is because they can only see, but not touch or smell or your products. That’s why you should watch the meaning of colors in marketing when creating your visual branding.

We’ll explore the common associations colors trigger so you can find the right colors to use to convey the traits you want your brand to be associated with. Making customers feel or think of s certain thing is called emotional branding, also is important for psychology to reduce anxiety on people and colors help with this, while also using the best CBD oil for anxiety could be a good solution as well. You might already have your logo in certain colors, but you can design your marketing visuals (emails, ads, packaging, collateral, social media images, etc.) and website in colors that make the right impression on potential customers.

We’ll also look at how cross-cultural perceptions of color differ so you use the right colors for your target audience to get the intended idea. Find top-tier slot games at เว็บสล็อต and enjoy the best in online entertainment and big wins.

Omnichannel ecommerce and retail in 2020

Omnichannel retailers nowadays aim to provide one streamlined experience for their customers. An omnichannel strategy gives retailers the chance to weave conversion opportunities everywhere – which is where their customers are these days.

We’ve all seen a rapid transformation in ecommerce over the last few years. As technology constantly evolves, so does the potential to keep growing and being in more spaces as a retailer – spaces that were not even there just five years ago. If any year has shown us the importance of bringing your brand online, it’s 2020. As you take your brand digital and start taking up more spaces both offline and online, how do you ensure you’re doing it right?

The hidden power of small ecommerce businesses

If you own a small ecommerce business, this piece is for you. SMBs may lack financial resources and manpower, influence, or reach, but they still have a huge advantage over big companies.

You still own your complete branding, communication, and messaging. You have the freedom to decide your brand image and values. You can make changes fast and adapt while big ones need countless people to say yes or do their part. Small businesses are actually more adaptable, genuine and close to customers. This power is very useful for acquiring new customers and retaining old customers.

Also, more and more people are coming back to small, local businesses thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. This proves that people care where they shop from so you have a lot to offer! Corporations seem heartless with their focus on selling at all costs, but your business is more than that – it is your creation, your family’s income, your employees’ security.

This list can be a feel-good checklist for you or a basis for a new marketing communication strategy. By all means, use what you have and remember that big companies don’t have it. They make up for it with big marketing budgets but it’s not the same. Most importantly, since the internet is now part of our daily lives, businesses, whether big or small, should use stronger measures by reaching out to a network security consulting firm.

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