Ecommerce email marketing

Email marketing best practices for online stores. Intelligent email marketing driven by cohort analysis, customer behavior and marketing automation.

How to send cross-sell emails in ecommerce

Many marketers rely on email marketing strategies to increase their online store’s sales. A common and very successful trick they use is cross-selling emails.

It’s great for increasing your customer lifetime value and getting some extra sales with almost zero advertising costs.

Cart abandonment emails – example templates

Recovering abandoned carts is a never-ending struggle in eCommerce. We know it’s one of your top priorities – and it should be because those people were so close to buying. Don’t let them slip away! 🙂

Coming up with good emails to make people come back, though, is not easy. They need to grab attention, call for action, be funny or irresistible. They need to make the customer feel they’re really missing out on a great product or deal.

To help you craft cart abandonment emails that convert, we gathered awesome examples for different products. Below are our highlights why these templates are great to recover abandoned baskets. Enjoy and be inspired!

Аutomated emails convert 2.5 times more than bulk emails [ecommerce stats]

Coming up with an email marketing strategy for your online store is not fun, we know. Deciding what to do and what not to, judging what will work and what won’t is hard.

Do you need to email regularly?

What should you write?

Do you send mass emails or automate it somehow?

Let us help you. Our platform measures email effectiveness and conversion rates so we can tell you first-hand: automated emails convert 2.5 times better than mass emails.

Here are the major email metrics from our database for this year:

25 experts share insights on ecommerce newsletters

Paid traffic is getting too expensive and hard to measure. Audiences are drowned in a flood of influencers. We’re rethinking some good old marketing tactics in an attempt to find the balance between cost and effectiveness.

One such classic eCommerce marketing tactic is the email newsletter. It’s free to send and uncontrolled by anyone but you in contents.

It seems like the perfect platform for actively engaging customers. You can build a brand and communicate offers using only first-party data.

Customer segmentation in eCommerce: how to do it and how to use it

13 customer segments you can identify and tailor your marketing messages for

You hear over and over that you should not be doing one-size-fits-all marketing but segmenting customers and tailoring messages instead.


Because segmenting customers based on their behavior eliminates the guesswork – they literally show you what marketing works with them so you can just replicate it and get results.

Quick Valentine’s Day email marketing recipe for WooCommerce stores

How great holidays are for online stores! In fact, only Americans spent $19.7 billion shopping online last Valentine’s Day.

With that in mind, we sat down to help a client with his holiday strategy to get more sales.

It’s a quick and dirty strategy using minimal resources to put him in the holiday game on time. So we thought, “Why don’t we share that with others?” More of you selling on WooCommerce could actually implement it to reap good profits this Valentine’s Day.

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