Ecommerce growth strategies

What your ecommerce strategy should include in order to grow? Mid- and long-term vision resources for the ecommerce brand owner.

The customer journey: the one thing that fixes everything in ecommerce

Ecommerce is not just buying online. It’s a new way of doing things, of interacting with products and brands.

People don’t buy things now, they buy experiences. Convenience, information, helpful support and post-purchase assistance, the ability to give direct feedback, non-intrusive and value-rich communication, ease of multichannel shopping, meaningful offers are all parts of this experience.

The customer journey is the path, the sequence of experiences your customers get. You can leave things to chances and let the customer journey go its natural course. This doesn’t guarantee significant results.

You can also design the customer journey in such a way to go through all the experiences you want people to have with your brand (while avoiding the unwanted ones) and leading them to desired outcomes like multiple purchases and loyalty.

Designing this customer journey is the most comprehensive optimization you can do to increase conversions, revenue and profit from your online store.

Comprehensive guide to omnichannel marketing

The ecommerce field is not the same as it was yesterday.

To be successful in today’s market, you need to establish a personalized connection with every customer.

The need for unique attitude towards a group of customers derives from the very nature of e-commerce.

In addition to the traditional stores, printed ads, and emails we have websites, social media, mobile applications, SMS communication, and, of course, word-of-mouth.
With that many variables, you cannot rely on a single channel to grow your business.

Consumers these days use more than a single platform to purchase your products.

Multichannel marketing is essential for your business, as it enables full control over every single platform you are using. CBD businesses may also benefit from using several channels for their Cannabis Marketing Services.

Put simply, multichannel marketing is the ability to implement a single, solid strategy across more than one platform. This is done to maximize your interaction with potential customers.

Channels may vary, but your goal is to give your consumers a choice of action. Given that choice, they can pick a when and where to buy from you.

How to read Retention Analysis

If you’re trying out Metrilo’s Retention Analysis, here’s how to make the most of it.

That’s a walk-through of the Retention Analysis report and a helper what you’ll find in yours, how to read it and what to do with the info.

Let’s talk retention and sell more!

How to identify growth opportunities for your own online store

Ecommerce is a strange industry.

You hustle еvery day, get some results and yet often you can’t tell if that’s good or bad. You probably get tangled up in daily tasks and often forget the big picture.

And yet – do you want to grow your business? How are you moving towards that goal? It’s hard to tell.

That’s why we created a tool that identifies growth opportunities for your specific business case. It takes into account your current state and projects how improvement in certain areas will affect your LTV.

Planning ahead. Short vs Long-term thinking in eCommerce

People are different in many ways but not in the way most of us think. It is in our human nature to prioritize short-term vs long-term.

That’s why some of the most successful entrepreneurs learn the discipline to consider both and make decisions rationally.

It hurts when we see people acting like they’re here only for a day and apply short-term strategies that don’t bring profit in the long run.

Why is this a problem?

Numbers don’t lie: grow your store with data-driven marketing

You want to build and grow your online store profitably. You want to be successful.

But what’s the best way to do it? How to make sure you’re making the right decisions and not wasting precious time on trial and error?

Although building any business is a process, some processes are more effective than others.

Gut feeling and testing things till they work out is great if you have that kind of time and resources. If not – data-driven marketing is for you.

Moreover, business owners who are looking to open a shop should pay attention to the shop front design, which reflects what the building represent. They may hire shopfront design services to provide Contemporary Shopfront Renovations

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