Conversion Rates

Picky Customer Goes Online Shopping for Lightsaber [No, it’s not what you think]

Disclaimer: We are huge Star Wars fans and picked the product because we wanted an excuse to research lightsaber prices at work.
Let us tell you a story about the evil cart abandonment phenomenon in eCommerce.

This is Avery. Joe Avery. Comes from Average. Customer #007007.

Avery wants a lightsaber. A green one.

shopping cart abandonment


3 Cool Tips to Improve Your Checkout Design

Your checkout web design is part of UX. And UX stands for user experience – the discipline that explores how to achieve both business and customer goals in the most balanced way possible. You may enlist the services of this well-known web design agency if you need expert help. Here are a few bold new ideas on how to do that.

Checkout Design TipsThe goal of all UX experiments is to maximize your metrics and KPIs such as your conversion rate. This can be done by making it easier for the client to place an order, minimizing the number of clicks they have to make to achieve their goal and showing the right stuff on the right places in your website to make them convert. In this article, you will learn what is a good user experience.

AARRR Metrics For eCommerce Stores: The Holy Grail of Growth

I’m pretty sure you have Jack Sparrow on your mind and you’re wondering what do pirates and eCommerce have in common. AARRR metrics may sound like a pirate talking (hence the name, Pirate Metrics), but is actually a powerful way to track your eCommerce business’ performance.

AARRR Metrics Ecommerce MetriloAARRR metrics is a “collection” of techniques that drive true ecommerce growth with the power of data analysis. It was defined by entrepreneurship guru Dave McClure (a founding partner of 500 Startups, a Silicon Valley VC fund) a few years ago and it’s the “system” of KPI metrics most modern online entrepreneurs use to make their businesses go up and to the right.

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